
By ERA Wellness

Emily Aleksy Emily Aleksy

How to Support a NICU Parent: Do’s and Don’ts

Having a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) can be one of the most overwhelming, stressful, and emotionally draining experiences for new parents. Parents of NICU babies face a unique set of challenges, from the emotional toll of watching their newborn struggle to the logistical demands of balancing hospital visits with everyday responsibilities. If you know someone navigating the NICU journey, offering your support can make a tremendous difference. But often, people don’t know what to say or do to truly help.

Tomorrow kicks off NICU Awareness Week, so in honor of that, here are some do’s and don’ts to help you support any NICU parents in your life.

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Gabrielle Trecek Gabrielle Trecek

Managing Your Anxiety - Making Decisions Based on Values, Not Fear

When anxiety flares, it’s easy to become trapped in fear-based thinking, leading us to make choices out of a desire to avoid discomfort rather than pursuing what truly matters to us. However, there’s a different path—a way of making decisions based on our values, rather than our fears. Read this blog from Gabrielle Trecek, LCSW, to learn more

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Jennifer Everts Beier Jennifer Everts Beier

Finding Joy When Life Goes Sideways

Life doesn’t always go as planned. And then what? Jeni writes about continuing to cultivate joy while acknowledging other difficult emotions.

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Jennifer Everts Beier Jennifer Everts Beier

Becoming a “Medical Mom”

Jeni writes about her experience of navigating medical diagnoses in her family, and how she has found her own support team.

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Kelsey Philippi Kelsey Philippi

8 Ways to Ground Yourself

Check out some of Kelsey’s favorite tools for calming and regulation when you’re feeling activated or escalated.

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Gabrielle Trecek Gabrielle Trecek

The Roots of Perfectionism

Gabrielle writes about what’s really under that need to do everything right - and it might not be exactly what you think.

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